Stanford Public Art Films
2021 - 2022 | Digital Video
Created the year students returned to campus after the COVID-19 Pandemic, this series of short documentaries highlights a sample of the over 80 public works on Stanford's grounds.
Embracing Our Existence
2021 | Digital Video
Consisting of a series of interviews with LGBTQIA+ students at DePaul University, Embracing Our Existence is a survey piece highlighting queer experiences in academia. It's become a tool for workshops, panels, and discussions for University faculty on how to best serve queer students on campus.
Airbed Seed & Spark Campaign
2019 | Digital Video
Airbed is an Asian-American coming of age story written and directed by Matt Collera. Its pitch video, filmed and edited over the course of production, successfully raised over $2000 to finish the film.
Finding your tribe - when you're a trans veteran
2018 | Digital Video
A micro-documentary for PBS' Veterans Coming Home, Finding Your Tribe shares a portrait of a trans veteran who found community through cosplay.
Post - Op
2018 | Animation & Archive
An early experiment in animation and archival documentary, weaving together an online transmasculine community as part of a personal film.
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